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A Spicepod can contain one or more datasets referenced by relative path, or defined inline.


Inline example:


- from:
name: strategy_manager_deposits
enabled: true
mode: memory # / file
engine: arrow # / duckdb / sqlite / postgres
refresh_check_interval: 1h
refresh_mode: full / append # update / incremental


- from: databricks:spiceai.datasets.specific_table
name: uniswap_eth_usd
environment: prod
enabled: true
mode: memory # / file
engine: arrow # / duckdb
refresh_check_interval: 1h
refresh_mode: full / append # update / incremental

Relative path example:


- ref: datasets/eth_recent_transactions


name: eth_recent_transactions
type: overwrite
enabled: true
refresh: 1h


The from field is a string that represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the dataset. This URI is composed of two parts: a prefix indicating the Data Connector to use to connect to the dataset, and the path to the dataset within the source.

The syntax for the from field is as follows:

from: <data_connector>:<path>



An alternative to adding the dataset definition inline in the spicepod.yaml file. ref can be use to point to a directory with a dataset defined in a dataset.yaml file. For example, a dataset configured in a dataset.yaml in the "datasets/sample" directory can be referenced with the following:


name: eth_recent_transactions
type: overwrite
enabled: true
refresh: 1h

ref used in spicepod.yaml

version: v1beta1
kind: Spicepod
name: duckdb
- ref: datasets/sample


The name of the dataset. This is used to reference the dataset in the pod manifest, as well as in external data sources.


Optional. The name of the column that represents the temporal (time) ordering of the dataset.

Required to enable a retention policy on the dataset.


Optional. The format of the time_column. The following values are supported:

  • timestamp - Default. Timestamp without a timezone. E.g. 2016-06-22 19:10:25 with data type timestamp.
  • timestamptz - Timestamp with a timezone. E.g. 2016-06-22 19:10:25-07 with data type timestamptz.
  • unix_seconds - Unix timestamp in seconds. E.g. 1718756687.
  • unix_millis - Unix timestamp in milliseconds. E.g. 1718756687000.
  • ISO8601 - ISO 8601 format.

Spice emits a warning if the time_column from the data source is incompatible with the time_format config.

  • String-based columns are assumed to be ISO8601 format.


Optional. Accelerate queries to the dataset by caching data locally.


Enable or disable acceleration, defaults to true.


The acceleration engine to use, defaults to arrow. The following engines are supported:

  • arrow - Accelerated in-memory backed by Apache Arrow DataTables.
  • duckdb - Accelerated by an embedded DuckDB database.
  • postgres - Accelerated by a Postgres database.
  • sqlite - Accelerated by an embedded Sqlite database.


Optional. The mode of acceleration. The following values are supported:

  • memory - Store acceleration data in-memory.
  • file - Store acceleration data in a file. Only supported for duckdb and sqlite acceleration engines.

mode is currently only supported for the duckdb engine.


Optional. How to refresh the dataset. The following values are supported:

  • full - Refresh the entire dataset.
  • append - Append new data to the dataset. When time_column is specified, new records are fetched from the latest timestamp in the accelerated data at the acceleration.refresh_check_interval.


Optional. How often data should be refreshed. For append datasets without a specific time_column, this config is not used. If not defined, the accelerator will not refresh after it initially loads data.

See Duration


Optional. Filters the data fetched from the source to be stored in the accelerator engine. Only supported for full refresh_mode datasets.

Must be of the form SELECT * FROM {name} WHERE {refresh_filter}. {name} is the dataset name declared above, {refresh_filter} is any SQL expression that can be used to filter the data, i.e. WHERE city = 'Seattle' to reduce the working set of data that is accelerated within Spice from the data source.

  • The refresh SQL only supports filtering data from the current dataset - joining across other datasets is not supported.
  • Selecting a subset of columns isn't supported - the refresh SQL needs to start with SELECT * FROM {name}.
  • Queries for data that have been filtered out will not fall back to querying against the federated table.


Optional. A duration to filter dataset refresh source queries to recent data (duration into past from now). Requires time_column and time_format to also be configured. Only supported for full refresh mode datasets.

For example, refresh_data_window: 24h will include only records with a timestamp within the last 24 hours.

See Duration


Optional. A duration to specify how far back to include records based on the most recent timestamp found in the accelerated data. Requires time_column to also be configured. Only supported for append refresh mode datasets.

This setting can help mitigate missing data issues caused by late arriving data.

Example: If the latest timestamp in the accelerated data table is 2020-01-01T02:00:00Z, setting refresh_append_overlap: 1h will include records starting from 2020-01-01T01:00:00Z.

See Duration


Optional. Specifies whether an accelerated dataset should retry data refresh in the event of transient errors. The default setting is true.

Retries utilize a Fibonacci backoff strategy. To disable refresh retries, set refresh_retry_enabled: false.


Optional. Defines the maximum number of retry attempts when refresh retries are enabled. The default is undefined, allowing for unlimited attempts.


Optional. Parameters to pass to the acceleration engine. The parameters are specific to the acceleration engine used.


Optional. The secret store key to use the acceleration engine connection credential. For supported data connectors, use spice login to store the secret.


Optional. Enable or disable retention policy check, defaults to false.


Optional. The retention period for the dataset. Combine with time_column and time_format to determine if the data should be retained or not.

Required when acceleration.retention_check_enabled is true.

See Duration


Optional. How often the retention policy should be checked.

Required when acceleration.retention_check_enabled is true.

See Duration


Optional. Specify which indexes should be applied to the locally accelerated table. Not supported for in-memory Arrow acceleration engine.

The indexes field is a map where the key is the column reference and the value is the index type.

A column reference can be a single column name or a multicolumn key. The column reference must be enclosed in parentheses if it is a multicolumn key.

See Indexes

- from:
name: eth.recent_blocks
enabled: true
engine: sqlite
number: enabled # Index the `number` column
'(hash, timestamp)': unique # Add a unique index with a multicolumn key comprised of the `hash` and `timestamp` columns


Optional. Specify the primary key constraint on the locally accelerated table. Not supported for in-memory Arrow acceleration engine.

The primary_key field is a string that represents the column reference that should be used as the primary key. The column reference can be a single column name or a multicolumn key. The column reference must be enclosed in parentheses if it is a multicolumn key.

See Constraints

- from:
name: eth.recent_blocks
enabled: true
engine: sqlite
primary_key: hash # Define a primary key on the `hash` column


Optional. Specify what should happen when a constraint is violated. Not supported for in-memory Arrow acceleration engine.

The on_conflict field is a map where the key is the column reference and the value is the conflict resolution strategy.

A column reference can be a single column name or a multicolumn key. The column reference must be enclosed in parentheses if it is a multicolumn key.

Only a single on_conflict target can be specified, unless all on_conflict targets are specified with drop.

The possible conflict resolution strategies are:

  • upsert - Upsert the incoming data when the primary key constraint is violated.
  • drop - Drop the data when the primary key constraint is violated.

See Constraints

- from:
name: eth.recent_blocks
enabled: true
engine: sqlite
primary_key: hash
'(number, timestamp)': unique
# Upsert the incoming data when the primary key constraint on "hash" is violated,
# alternatively "drop" can be used instead of "upsert" to drop the data update.
hash: upsert