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Java SDK

Java SDK for​


Add the following dependency:


Connect to Spice runtime​

Create a SpiceClient using default configuration. Requires local Spice OSS running: follow the quickstart

import org.apache.arrow.flight.FlightStream;
import ai.spice.SpiceClient;

public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
try {
SpiceClient client = SpiceClient.builder()

FlightStream res = client.query("SELECT \"VendorID\", \"tpep_pickup_datetime\", \"fare_amount\" FROM taxi_trips LIMIT 10");

while ( {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("An unexpected error occurred: " + e.getMessage());

Or pass custom flight address:

SpiceClient client = SpiceClient.builder()
.withFlightAddress(new URI("grpc://my_remote_spice_instance:50051"))

Connection retry​

The SpiceClient implements connection retry mechanism (3 attempts by default). The number of attempts can be configured with withMaxRetries:

SpiceClient client = SpiceClient.builder()
.withMaxRetries(5) // Setting to 0 will disable retries

Retries are performed for connection and system internal errors. It is the SDK user's responsibility to properly handle other errors, for example RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED (HTTP 429).