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Secret Stores

A Secret Store is a location where secrets are stored and can be used to store sensitive data, like passwords, tokens, and secret keys.

Spice supports secret stores: env, kubernetes, keyring and aws_secrets_manager. The env secret store is loaded by default.


The env secret store is loaded by default. It reads secrets from environment variables and any .env.local or .env files in the project directory.

- from: env
name: env

Configured Secret Stores

Secret Stores can be configured using the secrets section of the spicepod.yml file.

The Secret Store type and name are specified using the from and name fields. The name can be referenced by other components, like datasets or models. Some Secret Stores support adding a selector delimited by a colon (:), For example, when using the Kubernetes Secret Store, from: kubernetes:my_secret selects and enables the my_secret secret only to be referenced.

Additional parameters may be specified in the params field, which are typically specific to the secret store type.


- from: kubernetes:my_secret
name: k8s
- from: env
name: env

Using referenced secrets in component parameters

Secrets may be used by components with the syntax ${<secret_store_name>:<key_name>}. For example, to reference a secret stored as an environment variable named MY_SECRET in the env secret store, use ${env:MY_SECRET}.


- from: postgres:my_table
name: my_table
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5432
pg_user: ${env:PG_USER}
pg_pass: ${env:FOO_PASSWORD} # The environment variable name may differ from the parameter name.

This syntax also works within a larger string, like a connection string:

- from: mysql:my_table
name: my_table
mysql_connection_string: mysql://${env:USER}:${env:PASSWORD}@localhost:3306/mysql_db

The <secret_store_name> value in ${<secret_store_name>:<key_name>} is the name value defined in the secret store configuration. This can be renamed to any value.


- from: env
name: my_env
- from: postgres:my_table
name: my_table
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5432
pg_user: ${my_env:PG_USER}
pg_pass: ${my_env:PG_PASS}

Load secrets from multiple secret stores

Spice supports configuring multiple secret stores which are loaded in the order they are defined in the secrets section of the spicepod.yml configuration file. If a secret is defined in multiple secret stores, the secret store defined last will take precedence.

To load a secret from any of the configured secret stores in precedence order, use the ${secrets:<key_name>} syntax.


- from: env
name: env
- from: keyring
name: keyring
- from: postgres:my_table
name: my_table
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5432
pg_user: ${secrets:pg_user}
pg_pass: ${secrets:pg_pass}

In this example, the runtime would look for pg_user and pg_pass in the keyring secret store first and then in the env secret store. The <key_name> value in ${secrets:<key_name>} is automatically uppercased for the env secret store.

To override the keyring secret store secrets with environment variables, re-order the secret stores in the configuration file:

- from: keyring
name: keyring
- from: env
name: env

Secret Stores