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ADBC: Arrow Database Connectivity

ADBC is a set of APIs and libraries for Arrow-native access to databases.

Spice supports ADBC clients using the FlightSQL driver.


Get started with ADBC using Python.


Start Python Envionment.


Install the ADBC driver manager, FlightSQL driver, and PyArrow.

pip install adbc_driver_manager adbc_driver_flightsql pyarrow

Create a connection to Spice over ADBC​

>>> import adbc_driver_flightsql.dbapi
>>> conn = adbc_driver_flightsql.dbapi.connect('grpc://localhost:50051')

Create a cursor​

>>> cursor = conn.cursor()

Executing a query​

DBAPI interface:

>>> cursor.execute("SELECT 1, 2.0, 'Hello, world!'")
>>> cursor.fetchone()
(1, 2.0, 'Hello, world!')
>>> cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
>>> cursor.fetchall()
[('spice', 'public', 'messages', 'BASE TABLE'), ('spice', 'runtime', 'query_history', 'BASE TABLE'), ('spice', 'information_schema', 'tables', 'VIEW'), ('spice', 'information_schema', 'views', 'VIEW'), ('spice', 'information_schema', 'columns', 'VIEW'), ('spice', 'information_schema', 'df_settings', 'VIEW'), ('spice', 'information_schema', 'schemata', 'VIEW')]


>>> cursor.execute("SELECT 1, 2.0, 'Hello, world!'")
>>> cursor.fetch_arrow_table()
1: int64
2.0: double
'Hello, world!': string
1: [[1]]
2.0: [[2]]
'Hello, world!': [["Hello, world!"]]