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In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator

The In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator is the default data accelerator in Spice. It uses Apache Arrow to store data in-memory for fast access and query performance.


To use the In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator, no additional configuration is required beyond enabling acceleration.


- from:
name: my_dataset
enabled: true

However Arrow can be specified explicitly using arrow as the engine for acceleration.

- from:
name: my_dataset
enabled: true
engine: arrow


  • The In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator does not support persistent storage. Data is stored in-memory and will be lost when the Spice runtime is stopped.
  • The In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator does not support Decimal256 (76 digits), as it exceeds Arrow's maximum Decimal width of 38 digits.
Memory Considerations

When accelerating a dataset using the In-Memory Arrow Data Accelerator, some or all of the dataset is loaded into memory. Ensure sufficient memory is available, including overhead for queries and the runtime, especially with concurrent queries.

In-memory limitations can be mitigated by storing acceleration data on disk, which is supported by duckdb and sqlite accelerators by specifying mode: file.