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PostgreSQL Data Accelerator

To use PostgreSQL as Data Accelerator, specify postgres as the engine for acceleration.

- from:
name: my_dataset
engine: postgres


The connection to PostgreSQL can be configured by providing the following params:

  • pg_host: The hostname of the PostgreSQL server.
  • pg_port: The port of the PostgreSQL server.
  • pg_db: The name of the database to connect to.
  • pg_user: The username to connect with.
  • pg_pass_key: The secret key containing the password to connect with.
  • pg_pass: The raw password to connect with, ignored if pg_pass_key is provided.
  • pg_sslmode: Optional parameter, specifies the SSL/TLS behavior for the connection, supported values:
    • verify-full: (default) This mode requires an SSL connection, a valid root certificate, and the server host name to match the one specified in the certificate.
    • verify-ca: This mode requires an SSL connection and a valid root certificate.
    • required: This mode requires an SSL connection.
    • prefer: This mode will try to establish a secure SSL connection if possible, but will connect insecurely if the server does not support SSL.
    • disable: This mode will not attempt to use an SSL connection, even if the server supports it.
  • pg_sslrootcert: Optional parameter specifying the path to a custom PEM certificate that the connector will trust.

Configuration params are provided either in the acceleration section of a dataset.

- from:
name: my_dataset
engine: postgres
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5432
pg_db: my_database
pg_user: my_user
pg_pass_key: my_secret
pg_sslmode: required
pg_insecure: 'true'

Additionally, an engine_secret may be provided when configuring a PostgreSQL data store to allow for using a different secret store to specify the password for a dataset using PostgreSQL as both the data source and data store.

- from:
name: my_dataset
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5432
pg_db: data_store
pg_user: my_user
pg_pass_key: my_secret
engine: postgres
engine_secret: pg_backend
pg_host: localhost
pg_port: 5433
pg_db: data_store
pg_user: my_user
pg_pass_key: my_secret