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Change Data Capture (CDC)

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique to capture changed rows from a database's transaction log and deliver to consumers with low latency. Leveraging this technique allows Spice to keep locally accelerated datasets up-to-date in real-time with the source data, and is highly efficient by only transferring the changed rows instead of re-fetching the entire dataset on refresh.


Leveraging locally-accelerated datasets configured with CDC allows Spice to provide a solution that combines both high-performance accelerated queries with efficient real-time delta updates.

Example Use Case​

Consider a fraud-detection application that needs to determine if a pending transaction is likely fraudulent. The application queries a Spice-accelerated real-time updated table of recent transactions to check if a pending transaction resembles known fraudulent ones. Using CDC, the table is kept up-to-date, allowing the application to quickly identify potential fraud.


When configuring datasets to be accelerated with CDC, ensure that the data connector supports CDC and can return a stream of row-level changes. See the Supported Data Connectors section for more information.

Startup time for CDC-accelerated datasets may be longer than non-CDC-accelerated datasets due to the initial synchronization of the dataset.

It's recommended to use CDC-accelerated datasets with persistent data accelerator configurations (i.e. file mode for DuckDB/SQLite or PostgreSQL). This ensures that when Spice restarts, it can resume from the last known state of the dataset instead of re-fetching the entire dataset.

Supported Data Connectors​

Enabling CDC via setting refresh_mode: changes in the acceleration settings requires support from the data connector to provide a stream of row-level changes.

Currently, the only supported data connector is Debezium.


See an example of configuring a dataset to use CDC with Debezium by following the sample at Streaming changes in real-time with Debezium CDC.