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Clickhouse Data Connector

Federated SQL query​

To connect to any Clickhouse database as connector for federated SQL query, specify clickhouse as the selector in the from value for the dataset.

- from:
name: my_dataset


The Clickhouse data connector can be configured by providing the following params:

  • clickhouse_connection_string: The connection string to use to connect to the Clickhouse server. This can be used instead of providing individual connection parameters. Use the secret replacement syntax to load the password from a secret store, e.g. ${secrets:my_clickhouse_conn_string}.
  • clickhouse_host: The hostname of the Clickhouse server.
  • clickhouse_tcp_port: The port of the Clickhouse server.
  • clickhouse_db: The name of the database to connect to.
  • clickhouse_user: The username to connect with.
  • clickhouse_pass: The password to connect with. Use the secret replacement syntax to load the password from a secret store, e.g. ${secrets:my_clickhouse_pass}.
  • clickhouse_secure: Optional. Specifies the SSL/TLS behavior for the connection, supported values:
    • true: (default) This mode requires an SSL connection. If a secure connection cannot be established, server will not connect.
    • false: This mode will not attempt to use an SSL connection, even if the server supports it.
  • connection_timeout: Optional. Specifies the connection timeout in milliseconds.

Configuration params are provided in the top level dataset for a dataset source and federated SQL query.

- from:
name: my_dataset
clickhouse_host: localhost
clickhouse_tcp_port: 9000
clickhouse_db: my_database
clickhouse_user: my_user
clickhouse_pass: ${secrets:my_clickhouse_pass}
connection_timeout: 10000
clickhouse_secure: true
- from:
name: my_dataset
clickhouse_connection_string: tcp://my_user:${secrets:my_clickhouse_pass}@localhost:9000/my_database
connection_timeout: 10000
clickhouse_secure: true
- from:
name: my_dataset
clickhouse_connection_string: tcp://my_user:${secrets:my_clickhouse_pass}@localhost:9000/my_database?connection_timeout=10000&secure=true