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Giving Language Models Runtime Tools

Spice provides tools that enable LLMs to interact with the runtime. To provide these tools to a Spice model, specify them in its

Example: Specifying Tools for a Model​

- name: sql-model
from: openai:gpt-4o
tools: list_datasets, sql, table_schema

- name: full-runtime
from: openai:gpt-4o
tools: auto # Use all available tools

To use all builtin tools with additional tools, use the builtin tool group.

- name: full-runtime
from: openai:gpt-4o
tools: builtin, memory

Tool Recursion Limit​

When a model requests to call a runtime tool, Spice runs the tool internally and feeds it back to the model. The tool_recursion_limit parameter limits the depth of internal recursion Spice will undertake. By default, Spice can infinitely recurse if the model requests to do so.

- name: my-model
from: openai
tool_recursion_limit: 3

Available tools​

  • list_datasets: List all available datasets in the runtime.
  • sql: Execute SQL queries on the runtime.
  • table_schema: Get the schema of a specific SQL table.
  • document_similarity: For datasets with an embedding column, retrieve documents based on an input query. It is equivalent to /v1/search.
  • sample_distinct_columns: For a dataset, generate a synthetic sample of data whereby each column has at least a number of distinct values.
  • random_sample: Sample random rows from a table.
  • top_n_sample: Sample the top N rows from a table based on a specified ordering.