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A Spicepod can contain one or more catalogs.




- from: spiceai
name: spiceai
- "tpch.*" # Include only the "tpch" tables.


The from field is a string that represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the catalog provider. This URI is composed of two parts: a prefix indicating the Catalog Connector to use, and the catalog path within the source.

The syntax for the from field is as follows:

from: <catalog_connector>:<path>


  • <catalog_connector>: The Catalog Connector to use to connect to the dataset

    Currently supported catalog connectors:

    If the Data Connector is not explicitly specified, it defaults to spiceai.

  • <path>: The path to the catalog within the provider.


An alternative to adding the catalog definition inline in the spicepod.yaml file. ref can be use to point to a directory with a catalog defined in a catalog.yaml file. For example, a catalog configured in a catalog.yaml in the "catalogs/sample" directory can be referenced with the following:


from: spiceai
name: spiceai
- "tpch.*" # Include only the "tpch" tables.

ref used in spicepod.yaml

version: v1beta1
kind: Spicepod
name: duckdb
- ref: catalogs/sample


The name of the catalog to register in Spice. The schema hierarchy of the external catalog is preserved in Spice. It doesn't need to match the name of the catalog in the external provider.


Optional. The include field is used to specify which tables to include from the catalog. The include field supports glob patterns to match multiple tables. For example, *.my_table_name would include all tables with the name my_table_name in the catalog from any schema. Multiple include patterns are OR'ed together and can be specified to include multiple tables.


Optional. Parameters to pass to the catalog connector for retrieving the metadata on the schemas and tables to be included. The parameters are specific to the connector used.


Optional. Parameters used when constructing the individual datasets that are registered in Spice from the catalog. The parameters are specific to the connector used.